Today was in many ways an ordinary Sunday. Nothing incredibly special happened. I woke up late around 7am, and stayed in bed reading until around 9:30. I stayed home for a while and cleaned up until around 10:30 am when Jenni and I tried to go to use free breakfast coupons at Chick-fila. We had to stop by the Green House to pick up the coupons, and on the way, remembered that we would unfortunately have to dine in some other manner this lovely Sunday morning since Chick-fila is run by devout Mormons who take Sunday as a Holy Day. Instead, we went to Target, where we were already planning to go to buy Jenni some face cleanser that she needed. While there, we shopped in their food aisle, which we had previously found stocked with tasty food at below average prices. As yet, the only food item that I have seen there that is above average is milk, which I only noticed because I bought some today for about $0.50 more than anywhere else. On our way out of the store, we also stopped by the jewelry kiosk, where I looked at a replacement watch for my current paint speckled, dented, and stained wrist watch. I purchased a new one by TIMEX that is part of an Iron Man Triathlon series, allowing me to efficiently time any running, biking, or swimming. These features will also come in handy in many other training applications, and my only regret at this point was not looking into one that also had a pedometer. Besides that, and the need to read the whole instructions manual before being able to program the thing (which now seems intuitive), I have no regrets. I was also able to sneak it a cheap purchase for Jenni, as she saw a fashionable but cheap wrist watch that I was able to sneak into our bag and purchase without her noticing. As much as I might have enjoyed the thought of saving it as a secret gift until Christmas, I gave in to my impatience, and gave her the watch in the car. She was happily surprised.
We returned to the house in the early afternoon, and after a lazy late breakfast, I put Jenni back to bed for a short time while I continued to read. Early this year, or late last year, I introduced Jenni to the old Tarzan series by Edgar Rice Burroughs. We quickly read through the first book, and after a few month respite, we read through the second. They are not incredibly deep books, and can be wildly, and unbelievably fantastic at parts (fairly frequently). However, besides being wholly unbelievable, they are incredibly entertaining, and, as any good novel should, strings the reader along with teasers, and well placed commercial interruptions. We recently (2 days ago) began the 3rd of the book series, and are together about halfway finished. My mother was interested in the Tarzan series when I was younger, and tracked down and bought several old editions. While in middle school, I got my hands on a few of them, and read the first 12 or 13. As it turns out, there are 24 books, of which I believe not all were written by Burroughs. With the new technology available to us today, I was able to buy all 24 books in digital format from Amazon for $5, which I read through a 'kindle' application on my iTouch.
At 2:15, Jenni showered and prepared to leave for a church band rehearsal. On her way out the door, she found out that the music was going to be changed at the last minute because the drummer was going to be unavailable, and, not feeling well herself, she bowed out and came back to the house. After a quick run to the store where she picked up a few missing ingredients, Jenni and Daniela made us Power House sandwiches for a late lunch around 3:30. While they prepared the food, I cleaned around the kitchen and prepared a fire in the basement. After lunch, we all made our way to the basement, where Bill was finishing a movie. Around 5:30, I convinced them to begin watching the 2nd season of Alias, the DVDs for which we had just purchased yesterday. After beginning the show, I made my way upstairs to begin catching up on the Sunday scheduled activities that I hadn't accomplished yet this week - including this blog. However, as I have just been summoned to return to the TV show down stairs, and to rekindle the fire, I will have to try to continue this again later.
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